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Monday, March 15, 2010

Baby's first dinner!

We went to the pediatrician today for Lola's 4 month (though she's almost 5 months) check up and the doctor gave the go ahead for food! I had been concerned that Lola wasn't getting enough food because she is very fussy about taking her bottle and it is difficult to get her to drink even the lowest end of the range for her age. However, Doctor said her weight is fine and to just follow her lead.

I knew if I went home before I went to the store I wouldn't be able to bring myself to venture back out so I didn't take the time to research what I wanted to buy, which in hindsight might not have been the best thing to do as I thing I should have gone for a brown rice cereal instead of the plain rice cereal but for all of you better prepared mothers out there this seems to be a pretty good mini article about choosing baby's first cereal.

Anyhow, we came home and whipped up an exciting mix of formula and rice cereal. Yum! I thought it was ok- much tastier than formula, Daddy thought it was disgusting and baby thought it was delicious!

It's so exciting- she actually LIKES eating food as opposed to breast milk or formula. She opened her mouth for more! We're going to try her on this for three days to make sure she doesn't have any adverse reactions and then introduce a vegetable! Give that three days and so on and so forth to make sure we isolate any foods that cause a bad reaction.

I'm really, really excited about trying out my new food mill! Any suggestions for baby's first vegetable? I'm leaning towards green beans.

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