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Thursday, March 11, 2010

You gotta eat

(EDITED: Angel Food Ministries is no longer in operation, if I find another service like this I will update!)

So food is expensive. Not only do you have to eat but you should be eating healthy, which doesn't really translate to cheap...especially if you don't have a lot of time to make everything from scratch. When you're breastfeeding or making your own baby food (which is muy cheaper and better for the environment besides) it's time to put away the dollar a meal frozen dinners. The only way I've been able to survive on my meager budget is with the aid of Angel Food, well that and WIC but you can't survive on milk and peanut butter.

Angel Food Ministries is this pretty fantastic nationwide program... yeah yeah its religious but most of the churches that facilitate it don't shove anything down your throat. They're just there to help their neighbor...not proselytize. Local churches all over apply to be distributors so you're pretty much guaranteed to find a place to pick it up within a 30 minute drive no matter where you are.

It works like so: they have a basic box of food for 30 dollars. It's meant to feed one person for a month or a family of 4 for a week. You can buy as many boxes as you want but you only pick up once per month. They also have specials every month on a veggie box, meat box, seafood box etc. There are no income requirements, but if you are hard up for money they actually take food stamps which can really help stretch them out. The food is always pretty high quality, especially the meat, and of a good variety.

In February they had this:

For tonight's dinner I threw the pork roast in the slow cooker with a few potatoes, carrots and an onion and tossed in some thyme, salt, pepper, garlic powder and chicken stock. We got home at 7pm, popped some green beans in the microwave to steam and sat down to the most melt-in-your mouth pork roast I've ever had. The potatoes were a bit mush but not much you can do when you have to put it all in at once. Simple and easy.

I'm going to be blogging the recipes and meal plans I put together using angel food each month so check back for March!

And check out Angel Food- you can order online in most places. If you do please put my email in the referral box. I get a free box after 10 referrals! oopsamommy[at]gmail[dot]com

1 comment:

  1. Wow... Thank you for sharing. I used to work with Jonathan Miyashiro at E Street. I look forward to following your blog and getting recipes.

    Christina Snowden
