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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We will now return to our regularly scheduled program

Welp. Shortly before my last post I returned to full-time work. It was a nonstop few years of late nights and daycare for Lola.

Then this spring, I found myself in the position to stay at home again while figuring out what exactly to do next. So, Lola and I spend a lot of time in the garden, cooking, penny pinching and doing various crafts in between my job search and the occasional consulting gig.

So - I'm back! Posts coming up in the next few weeks will include: Pasta-less pasta, paper making, the best macaroni and cheese ever, making 3 meals out of one whole chicken, tiramisu cupcakes, and trying to tame my wild squash plants in my square foot garden.

To tide you over, here is a photo of Lola eating mulberries from our backyard tree and the first peas from our garden!
She's also wearing a shirt that I chopped the sleeves off of that morning because I couldn't find a short sleeved shirt. I'm all about solutions.

Happy Wednesday!

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