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Saturday, April 24, 2010

You're not doomed to the Wiggles!

At least I think that's what they're called. You need to start your kid off right, and if after listening to awesomeness they still wander over to crap music, you can love them anyway.

I've been working on giving Lola a musical education. It started with many in utero dance parties to old school gangsta rap. My craving for gangsta rap was almost as potent as my craving for Claussens pickles and olives. Recently, we've danced around the office to The Passenger by Iggy Pop which has had a nice little revival due to its use in the 'Up in the Air' trailer. I highly encourage an office dance party with or without a child. It is much more fun than those boring office stretches that you should be doing!

A lucky gift that made it to me was a compilation of various alternative rockers doing children's music called "Mary had a little Amp"  It supports a good cause, won't make you want to gouge out your eardrums, and it even has Lou Reed! It has a few great dance-y tunes, but I've found it really helps in the car. Lola and I do a lot of commuting and when she's wide awake and not ready to sleep she needs to have a toy and music on and this is one of our favorites. 

1 comment:

  1. I find myself singing the Lolquat tree song and "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" fairly frequently.
