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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Turkey Filet Mignon?

(EDITED: Angel Food Ministries is no longer in operation, if I find another service like this I will update!) 
 This month Angelfood featured Turkey Filet Mignon...what? So for all you steak purists, lets put the name aside and we'll call them bacon wrapped turkey medallions. I pulled them out to thaw last night- they seemed fancy enough for a small, Easter dinner (I couldn't bring myself to spend the money to get a ham at the grocery store when my freezer was stuffed to the brim.)

So, I pulled out the trusty grill pan (love this pan!) and put some hand cut fries in the oven (sprinkled with Old Bay of course.) I rubbed a little olive oil on the grill pan while it heated and salt, peppered, and garlic powdered the turkey medallions, always remember the garlic! Gave them a nice sear on both sides (about 8 minutes) and then poured in a little water and a bouillon cube, a little red wine vinegar, mustard and red pepper flake. Transfered the pan to the oven (I use a meat thermometer because I'm anal like that.) and brought it to an internal temperature of 170. The oven was on 400 for the fries so it only took about another 8 minutes.

I pulled the pan out of the oven and transferred the turkey medallions to a plate. Tasted the sauce, adjusted seasoning and added a little cornstarch to thicken it up. Then I brought it to a boil while stirring. I drizzled the sauce over the turkey medallions, put the rest aside in a gravy dish, and made a mixed green salad to round out the meal. Topped with a quick dressing made of oil and red wine vinegar it complemented the tang in the sauce.

Hard to calculate the cost of this meal as the turkey medallions came in the angelfood box, but I'd estimate the four of them at most might account for about $5.00, add another $5.00 for both the greens which I got on sale at the local grocery and the hand cut fries, also compliments of Angelfood, and we had a lovely, low-key Easter dinner.

Hope you enjoy!

Bacon-Wrapped Turkey Medallions

4 bacon wrapped turkey medallions.
1 tsp olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp garlic powder

1/2 cup water & bouillon cube (or stock)
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tbsp dijon mustard
1 tsp red pepper flake
1/2 of water

1 tsp cornstarch

Preheat oven to 400. Heat an oven safe pan with the olive oil.  Sprinkle salt, pepper, and garlic powder on both sides of turkey. When hot place the turkey in the pan and do not move for at least 4 minutes while searing. Flip to the other side about an additional 4 minutes. Whisk the the water and bouillon, red wine vinegar, dijon mustard and red pepper flake and pour over the turkey medallions. Insert a meat thermometer into one of the medallions. Put it in the oven for another 8 minutes or until the meat thermometer reads 170.

Remove turkey to serving platter. Taste sauce, adjust seasoning, add remaining 1/3 cup of water and cornstarch. Bring to boil while whisking. Pour half of the sauce over the turkey before serving and the other half in a gravy boat. (Do people still have gravy boats?)

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