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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here we go a metro-ing

Commuting to work with a baby is pretty frustrating. Driving is the easiest option...but baby only likes the car when its moving and the DC commute doesn't oblige her, not to mention paying for parking pretty much guts the grocery budget. So, I slap Lola into her sling, grab her diaper bag, and a loaded tote bag and trudge to the bus stop, transfer to the metro, switch trains and waddle a few blocks to the office.

Yep, I get to take my baby with me to the office. Which is pretty awesome but presents a few more what do I do with her once I get her there?
I could buy a play yard... but since I do like to have money to eat I'd rather see how long I can hang on only using a combination of the sling and a travel bassinet.

I got a great used travel bassinet- the infantino travel bed. I love its portability and it has enough of a mattress that I don't feel like I'm just laying my baby on the hard floor. I use it as a changing surface and for her naps. It's also great as a catchall for the various baby accoutrement that collect during the course of an hour or two.

Love it. Just don't ever take it on the metro unless you tape or tie the damn thing together. It wraps up into a pretty little bag, but the jostling of commuting is no match for the velcro that holds it all together and you could end up dragging the bed behind you and getting caught in the escalator, dropping your tote bag, spilling toys, cell phone, keys, bottles, and yesterday's mail all over the ground in the midst of rush hour crowds. Luckily commuters are slightly less rabid when a baby is involved. They might turn around to make sure you're still alive after they trample you.

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