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Saturday, March 20, 2010

On having an extra thirteen pounds strapped to your chest

I had a c-section of the unscheduled, emergency type because labor started but Lola took her sweet, sweet time getting out. So, I had received this lovely sling custom-made for me that collected dust for 6 weeks while I recovered. But when I could walk up stairs and sit up without pain I finally pulled it out and discovered how liberating it is. Well, as liberating as you can get with an infant tied to your chest.

This amazing contraption is the only way I can handle commuting during rush hour on the metro. Trying to squeeze a stroller onto a sardine packed train is a lesson in futility. It's also the thing that allows me to get work done while I've got Lola in tow at the office. I can sit her on my lap with the sling just wrapped around her so she can't fall while she plays with her toys on my desk and occasionally deletes a file when she finds the keyboard! I can sit her up over my shoulder so she can see what's going on behind me. I can lay her down for a nap or feed her a bottle with one hand while I point and click with the mouse. I can even manage to go out with just one bag if I pack correctly.

There are several options out there, but since I am a well rounded woman with rather sizable assets I opted to go with something custom made. Rather, a lovely person gifted me with something custom made. I can't recommend this sling enough, it's very simply made, but has several versatile positions for baby, as well as an array of options for fabric. And if you don't like any of the options they have you can send in any fabric you like. You can even have one made for daddy out of a manly fabric!

Now must publish post before baby grabs keyboard!

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