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Friday, March 12, 2010

The week is over!

I'm so drained I can't think of a better title. Lola is too.

She fell asleep as I was clearing off my desk. Stayed asleep while I put her down to get on my coat and back pack. She grumbled for a minute when I tucked her back into her sling but by the time I got to the metro she was out again, and stayed out through the entire metro ride, walk up the broken escalator, run to the bus, and is now out on the sofa, still half in her sling.

I felt like curling up and doing the same but good friend Sarah, who has a Costco membership, is coming over tomorrow for lunch and a trip to the Mommy candy store! So, I managed to pick up all the stray baby socks and onesies and grown up socks around the house, toss them in the laundry, load the dishwasher, clean off the counters, pour myself a big glass of water, and now I get to settle in and watch jeopardy.

Week one of back to work is done!

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