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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Sisyphus deserved his punishment: he tried to outsmart the Gods and was an incestuous murderer. Mommies, however, get the special joy of pushing that boulder up the hill day after day as a special bonus just for doing their part (whether intentionally or inebriatedly)to propagate the species.

Today's illustration: finally got out of my spit up on, binding work clothes, decided my current pj's had seen a few too many baby saliva baths and tossed them in the dirty clothes in favor of fresh, comfy sweat pants and t-shirt. Got all comfy on the couch and fed Lola her evening bottle... only to have it all come back up 3 minutes later. Goodbye last pair of clean comfy pajama pants... hello chilly night shirt and laundry time.

1 comment:

  1. I was vomitted upon by devon once. My shirt pocket caught a great bit of chunky fluid.
    I like to say Sisyphus out loud. Also choo choo.
