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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just Add Tuna

Working and taking care of a baby simultaneously is strenuous. I finally arrived home at about 8pm with no energy and nothing easily available to fix a quick dinner except for some leftover pesto in the fridge. I put some water on the stove to boil while I started feeding Lola. Good friend Heather, who came along for the ride this evening, took over the preparations, but kept poking around in my cupboards for something additional on the plate. The only thing I could think of was tuna... so, I can report that pesto tuna pasta is not altogether unpleasant- though I can't say I would want to make it again.

Still, I'd rather eat the leftovers for lunch tomorrow than expend the energy to make a sandwich tonight.

And with that- I will retire to my chamber. I have 6 glorious hours of sleep ahead of me. Hopefully, there will be only one crying baby intermission.

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